March 30, 2009

Extreme PD anyone?

Imagine a professional development seminar where you are one of 4000 participants. Imagine that this seminar begins daily at 8:30am, finishes around midnight, and you only get one 1hour break (usually around 5 pm). Now imagine that this seminar takes place in an open room with a cement floor and you are sitting on plastic fold out chairs. And imagine that after the first day you would be led out of this seminar to a dark parking garage in the dead of night with the 3999 other strangers, and you would then proceed to walk barefoot over twelve feet of hot coals.

Now imagine that same seminar where the facilitator is world-renowned, best in his field. Imagine going through four days of learning solid, proven strategies to change your life and overcome your deepest fears. Imagine actually annihilating your most limiting beliefs at that seminar and replacing them with new empowering belief systems. Imagine a seminar where you are continually engaged, never tired, always energized. Imagine connecting with the other participants so deeply that you make life-long friends.

Now imagine being chosen out of those 4000 people by this world-renowned facilitator to come up on stage and work out an issue that not only helps you, but helps countless others in the room. And by doing so, you are completely transformed.

I recently returned from such a seminar and the above three paragraphs describe in a nutshell what I experienced. The event was entitled “Unleash the Power Within” and the world-renowned facilitator was none other than Anthony Robbins.

I sum up the whole experience as ‘extreme PD’. And yes, the days were that long; and no, I never felt tired; and yes, it was the most rewarding experience of my life; and no, the effects of it have not worn off, nor will they.

The majority of the people I talk to are most intrigued by the firewalk. All I can say is that walking barefoot over 2000 degree Fahrenheit coals was one of the easiest things I have ever done. It did not hurt. It did not burn. I walked twelve feet but could have easily walked fifty. The experience has made me look at life’s problems in a completely different way. I mean if I can walk on fire, what else can I do? Anything, quite frankly. Taking the first step is the most critical for the firewalk. Once you take the first step, there’s no turning back. There’s no waiting around, pondering “Do I really want to do this?” You just do it. What a great metaphor for life.

This seminar also challenged a number of my beliefs about what constitutes a good education. We did 50 hours of instruction in 4 days – almost the same amount of hours needed for a 6 credit unit class. This method of immersion was far more effective than if we would have done one hour a week for 50 weeks. Also, having 4000 participants added to the excitement, energy, and success of the event. If we were a group of 50, a lot would have been lost. And lastly, we did not just sit in our chairs and take notes. We were continually out of our chairs working in pairs or threes, physically putting what we learned to use, and utilizing our minds, bodies, and spirits for maximum effect. We were fully engaged! And it made all the difference.

Challenge your beliefs. Dare to see your life in new ways. If you think you have an issue, instead of thinking of it as an ending, think of it as a beginning. And know you are capable of much more than you think. You, too, could easily walk on fire.

And that’s my perspective….

PS. If anyone is interested in experiencing this event, I highly recommend it. Feel free to email me for more information. The next seminar is June 11-14th in Toronto.

March 4, 2009

Prosperity vs Poverty: What's in Your Consciousness?

Everyday it seems people are hearing, talking, and/or worrying about the economy. Will I have a job? Will I have enough to retire? Will I be ok? And the answer is YES.

I have long believed that we create our own reality. Too often, we believe that outside forces create our reality for us. If this is true, then why do some people prosper in poor economic times? It is because they believe they will. Their thoughts are focused with conscious intention on prosperity. They have what is called prosperity consciousness.

Prosperity consciousness is a new buzz phrase, but one we should all become familiar with. Most people think prosperity is an abundance of money or things or even luck – it is not. Prosperity is a mindset. Similarly, your poverty is not a lack of money or things nor is it bad luck – it too is a mindset.

What’s your mindset? Is it focused with intention on prosperity or poverty?

Randy Gage, a world renowned prosperity expert, gives three areas to focus on to determine whether we have prosperity consciousness or poverty consciousness. These areas are as follows:

1. The Fixation
Are you fixated on money? Are you always thinking about how much something costs? Are you always thinking about what is in your bank account? Will you not buy something you like because it is $10 too much? Will you buy a medium coffee because a large costs more money? Do you keep a tally of what people owe you down to the penny? Do you feel like someone is trying to steal or take from you if you are asked for money?
Do you know you have what you need? Do you know if you need more it will come? Do you graciously give when someone is in need? Do you make choices based on discernment and not on emotion? Do you pay your bills with ease and feel good that you are able to?

2. The Disassociation
Do you hate rich people? Are you suspicious of them? Are you jealous of them? Are they in a group you do not associate with? Do you believe rich people are rich because they take other people’s money, even if those people willingly gave it for a service they provide? Do you believe money is the root of all evil? Or that if you are rich you can not be spiritual or a good person? Do you believe that most rich people have not come by it honestly? Do you believe they don’t deserve to be rich? Do you believe you don’t deserve to be rich? Do you view money as a source of corruption? Do you believe that by someone else having money means it takes it out of the pocket of someone who doesn’t or even out of your pocket? Do you believe all this and still strive to be rich and wonder why you aren’t?
Do you look at the rich and become inspired? Do you think if they can do it, I can too? Are you happy for their success? Do you wish for even more blessings to come their way? Can you visualize yourself as rich? Do you see money as great capable of doing great things?

3. The Fear Based Decision Making
Do you make decisions based on fear? Do you make decisions to avoid a possible negative outcome? Do you not move forward with an idea because you think it may fail or even succeed? Do you hang onto your money and not invest because you are afraid you will lose it? Do you drive around the parking lot for 10 minutes to avoid having to walk farther than you feel is acceptable? Are you always worried when things are good that something is coming to change that? Do you feel intense negative emotion over losing $10 and little positive emotion over gaining $100? Do you feel you can’t spend money on something you want because there might not be enough in the future?
Do you make decisions knowing the best will come out of it? Do you know any failed attempts are just experiences to gain wisdom and that you can try again or do something differently? Do you graciously give without fear of being put out? Are you grateful for all that you have and all that you receive? Do you realize you don’t miss the money you have spent but only bask in the experiences that spending has given you?

After going through these questions would you say you have prosperity consciousness or poverty consciousness? My hope is that you have prosperity consciousness. My experience shows me most people don’t. But the good news is you have the power to change that. Poverty consciousness is nothing more than impoverished thoughts made into beliefs because you have habitually thought them over and over again. You have control of your thoughts. Think new prosperous ones over and over again. And allow yourself to relax about money.

Easier said than done? I know. I used to be the poverty consciousness poster child. I would count my money down to the penny. I would be stingy tipping at restaurants even finding something wrong with the service to justify not tipping. I would not order a drink at a restaurant because it would drive up the bill that extra $1.50. I never picked up the cheque, just bought my own. I would be jealous of rich people. And, I would focus on what I didn’t have instead on what I did have. But I have been able to change that. And I now live a very prosperous life. Sometimes, I get stuck back in my old ways, and I have to force myself to think differently. And then things turn around. Why? Because I control my prosperity, not the economy. Come on say it with me, “I control my prosperity, not the economy.” Say it louder now, “I Control My Prosperity, Not the Economy.” Now say it like you mean it, “I CONTROL MY PROSPERITY, NOT THE ECONOMY.” Now feel what you’re saying, really believe it this time


Well done. Now make it your conscious intention to do so. Pay attention to your impoverished thoughts and when you have one, tell yourself “Oh yeah, I control my prosperity and all is well.”

I wish you all to be showered with the greatest abundance and prosperity day after day for you all truly deserve it, no matter what.

And that’s my perspective…