Imagine a professional development seminar where you are one of 4000 participants. Imagine that this seminar begins daily at 8:30am, finishes around midnight, and you only get one 1hour break (usually around 5 pm). Now imagine that this seminar takes place in an open room with a cement floor and you are sitting on plastic fold out chairs. And imagine that after the first day you would be led out of this seminar to a dark parking garage in the dead of night with the 3999 other strangers, and you would then proceed to walk barefoot over twelve feet of hot coals.
Now imagine that same seminar where the facilitator is world-renowned, best in his field. Imagine going through four days of learning solid, proven strategies to change your life and overcome your deepest fears. Imagine actually annihilating your most limiting beliefs at that seminar and replacing them with new empowering belief systems. Imagine a seminar where you are continually engaged, never tired, always energized. Imagine connecting with the other participants so deeply that you make life-long friends.
Now imagine being chosen out of those 4000 people by this world-renowned facilitator to come up on stage and work out an issue that not only helps you, but helps countless others in the room. And by doing so, you are completely transformed.
I recently returned from such a seminar and the above three paragraphs describe in a nutshell what I experienced. The event was entitled “Unleash the Power Within” and the world-renowned facilitator was none other than Anthony Robbins.
I sum up the whole experience as ‘extreme PD’. And yes, the days were that long; and no, I never felt tired; and yes, it was the most rewarding experience of my life; and no, the effects of it have not worn off, nor will they.
The majority of the people I talk to are most intrigued by the firewalk. All I can say is that walking barefoot over 2000 degree Fahrenheit coals was one of the easiest things I have ever done. It did not hurt. It did not burn. I walked twelve feet but could have easily walked fifty. The experience has made me look at life’s problems in a completely different way. I mean if I can walk on fire, what else can I do? Anything, quite frankly. Taking the first step is the most critical for the firewalk. Once you take the first step, there’s no turning back. There’s no waiting around, pondering “Do I really want to do this?” You just do it. What a great metaphor for life.
This seminar also challenged a number of my beliefs about what constitutes a good education. We did 50 hours of instruction in 4 days – almost the same amount of hours needed for a 6 credit unit class. This method of immersion was far more effective than if we would have done one hour a week for 50 weeks. Also, having 4000 participants added to the excitement, energy, and success of the event. If we were a group of 50, a lot would have been lost. And lastly, we did not just sit in our chairs and take notes. We were continually out of our chairs working in pairs or threes, physically putting what we learned to use, and utilizing our minds, bodies, and spirits for maximum effect. We were fully engaged! And it made all the difference.
Challenge your beliefs. Dare to see your life in new ways. If you think you have an issue, instead of thinking of it as an ending, think of it as a beginning. And know you are capable of much more than you think. You, too, could easily walk on fire.
And that’s my perspective….
PS. If anyone is interested in experiencing this event, I highly recommend it. Feel free to email me for more information. The next seminar is June 11-14th in
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